Recycling Week 17th - 23rd October 2022 ‘Let’s Get Real’

Bidfood Catering Supplies is a proud advocator for recyclable food packaging, reducing the use of single use plastics in the food-service market.
Colpac is one of Bidfood Catering Supplies’ partners in the supply of recyclable food packaging for our customers, and what better time to shout about the benefits of recyclable packaging than recycle week.
The theme for Recycling Week 2022 is ‘Let’s Get Real’. Too often, to save costs and with a lack of information, corners can get cut but here at Bidfood Catering Supplies this is not our approach. To comply with legislation, we choose our partners carefully and as a member of the On Packaging Recycling Label (OPRL) ourselves, Colpac membership was a must!
OPRL produces guidelines that ensure that recyclable food packaging supplied through Bidfood Catering Supplies can be easily recycled in over 75% of waste facilities. This is due to them having less than 15% plastic content so that the cardboard waste stream is not contaminated with more than it can cope with, and that the pulp can be re-used to make new cardboard products.
You can find information on all our recyclable products in our new sustainability web pages click here.
Colpac has worked with Bidfood Catering Supplies to share information on the benefits of recyclable cardboard packaging.
Five Benefits of cardboard recycling
1. Reduces the volume of waste sent to landfill
Cardboard is one of the most efficient materials to recycle. Every ton of recycled cardboard saves approx. 6.9m³ [9yd3] of landfill space. This equates to at least around 1.32 tonnes of carbon. Diverting waste from landfill also helps to prevent other negative impacts of landfill such as air and water pollution.
2. Saves on valuable resources
1 tonne of recycled cardboard can save up to 17 trees from being cut down.
3. Cardboard recycling yields fibres that can be made into new cardboard products
A recent study by Graz University estimates that fibre-based packaging material can be recycled at least 25 times.
4. Saves energy use
Reduce energy use and costs from creating new cardboard from wood.
5. Significantly reduces carbon emissions
Decrease the need for converting new trees into new sheets; unnecessarily cutting down trees to make products that can otherwise be made with recycled board.
See the the benefits of Cardboard Recycling here.
For more details on recyclable Colpac products available from Bidfood Catering Supplies, please see full product overview here.
Kate Berry, Colpac
- Michaela Bateman