Helping you with...Sustainability A Simple Guide to Reduce - Reuse - Recycle - Renew

Sustainability took a bit of a back seat during the pandemic, but it is very much back on the agenda with COP26 last month, plastic tax coming into effect April 22 and Scotland confirming a single use plastic ban from June 22.
Making sustainable, responsible and ethical business choices appear to be simple but the decisions aren’t as black and white as we would like to think.
Within the world of catering it can mean and be influenced by so many different things and there is rarely one choice that is the right one. This guide gives you some suggestions of how you can reduce, reuse, recycle and renew. It also gives you details of the most common material options used in the food-to-go packaging and details of what makes them sustainable, helping you make an informed decision that is right for your business.
Take a look at the guide here.
- Michaela Bateman