We love biobags. So do food waste collectors

A recent study by sustainability consultants Sancroft concludes that compostable bags for food waste are best. They are the most cost-effective bag type. They also minimise plastic contaminants whilst maximising of total food waste collected and processed.
Opt for our 10255 80L Completely Compostable Liner to ensure used Vegware foodservice disposables are properly composted.
What about paper bags or no bags?
Opting for no bags, or paper alternatives, was noted to be significantly more expensive and less functional, given the degradability of paper and likely lower yields of food waste from both options.
Coming to a town near you
This study, funded by the BBIA, is intended to guide policymakers on the most beneficial caddy liner for the new England-wide food waste system. From 2023, authorities in England have been mandated to offer separate domestic and business food waste collections.
Eat it, scrap it, compost it
Effective and efficient food waste management is better environmentally, economically and socially. A better system:
- Is cost effective in collection and treatment
- Reduces landfill and incineration costs
- Minimises agricultural and health risks for the nation: microplastic contaminants impact soil and plant health. Constantly increasing quantities of plastics in soils could create a risk to human and animal health through their ingestion.
- Minimises greenhouse gas emissions: through combustion and waste management.
- Increases circularity, including returning nutrients and organic carbon to the soils.
- Michaela Bateman